Public Sector Network Tender Alert


North West 2040 Energy Scenarios & Industrial Data

Local Energy North West Hub (LENW) works with Local Enterprise Partnerships in the North West of England to support energy projects and to align strategic plans with government energy and climate policy.The Local Energy North West Hub is seeking the services of an advisor to review and present a synthesis of existing energy carbon budgets for the North West of England. The advisor will review existing local government, energy network and national decarbonisation pathways, consider factors relevant to North West energy supply and demand, in order to produce four energy balance scenarios for the North West in 2040. There will be a focus on industrial and commercial carbon emissions, with research required to differentiate carbon emissions by industrial processes and the opportunity for fuel switching. The research findings will be presented in a short report. The advisors will work with the Local Energy North West Hub to enhance existing mapping of data and update a prospectus of industrial energy zones from across the region.


Procurement Officer
No 1 Mann Island
L3 1BP
United Kingdom

Contract value: 57181.34-57181.34

Published: 7 May 2021, Receipt by: 11 Jan 2021