Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Shoreham Cement Works Area Action Plan - Evidence Base Studies

Shoreham Cement Works is allocated for mixed use development under Policy SD56 of the South Downs Local Plan. The site is an area of significant opportunity for an exemplar sustainable mixed use development, which delivers a substantially enhanced landscape and uses that are compatible with the purposes of the National Park. The Policy states that the Authority would support development proposals that deliver the environmentally-led restoration of the site. The Tender document is comprised of five Lots, covering evidence based studies to support the preparation of the Shoreham Cement Works AAP. Lot Title of study 1 Viability testing of development scenarios 2 Local Landscape Character Assessment and Sensitivity / Capacity Study 3 Industrial Archaeology Study 4 Updated preliminary ecological assessment (PEA) and preliminary roost assessment (PRA) and a Programme of Future Survey Work 5 Specification and outputs for a Ground Contamination and Drainage Programme or Works and Costs Report


Hayley Leaver
North Street
West Sussex
GU29 9DH
United Kingdom
01730 819208

Contract value: 50000-60000

Published: 29 Jun 2021, Receipt by: 26 Jul 2021