Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Provision of Aggregate Working Parties Secretariat

This contract has already been awarded and is being published for transparency purposes. This contract is to procure various secretariat services, including technical services, for the Aggregate Working Parties (AWPs). This contract has been divided into 9 Lots as there are 9 AWPs; 1 for each of the 9 local authority clusters across England (based on the former by 9 regions). The role of the secretariat function is to enable these Parties to fulfil their functions in monitoring the operation of the Managed Aggregate Supply System (MASS). The 9 Lots are detailed below: Lot 1 - London Lot 2 - South East Lot 3 - South West Lot 4 - East of England Lot 5 - West Midlands Lot 6 - East Midlands Lot 7 - North West Lot 8 - Yorkshire and Humber Lot 9 - North East

2 Marsham Street

Contract value: 521830

Published: 29 Jun 2021, Receipt by: 1 Feb 2021