Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Psychiatry Training Programmes in Specialist Perinatal Mental Health Services

Health Education England (HEE - the Commissioner) are putting out this notice as a PIN (Prior Information Notice) with a view to completing a Direct Award. Please note the contracting authority intends to direct award the contract to the Royal College of Psychiatrists. The case for direct award can be found on the tender portal. Heath Education England [HEE] believe that the Royal College of Psychiatrists (The RCPsych) is the only organisation capable of providing support such as to meet specific requirements of the HEE National Perinatal Mental Health Programme. The RCPsych is the only supplier with the requisite expertise and experience to assist HEE in fulfilling Mandate deliverables and actions of UK government policy including the Long-Term Plan and People Plan. Specifically: Personality disorder/dysfunction- assessment, management, co-morbid mental disorders, effects on parenting Eating disorders Assessment, signposting of mental health issues for fathers and partners Parenting issues related to and mental health of 1-2-year-olds and older children Expanding service delivery: support lead perinatal consultants in implementing the extension of specialist perinatal mental health services from preconception - 12 months, to 24 months Providing training programmes for Perinatal Psychiatrists to support the development and expansion of specialist perinatal mental health services: -Safeguarding children and adults -Culture and difference -Collaborative working with women, partners and families -Women's own experience of perinatal mental disorders and care -Legal issues The financial envelope for the contract is 440,000. For the Specification, Contract and the Case for Direct Award please access the portal at: Please access the portal for all documents. All communications should be made via the messaging function on the Health Family eTendering portal. If any provider has concerns with the commissioning intentions outlined within the published documentation, please raise this via the eTendering Portal in the first instance within 30 days of the date of this Prior Information Notice. The closing date of this PIN is 23.59hrs on 26th July 2021.


Leila Hodson
Duncombe Street

Contract value: 190000-440000

Published: 25 Jun 2021, Receipt by: 27 Jul 2021