Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Aylesbury Station Quarter/ Waterside and Exchange Regeneration Framework and Delivery Plan

Funding has been secured to commission a multi-disciplinary design and commercially led delivery plan for the redevelopment of the Station Quarter and Waterside/Exchange area of the town. Aylesbury, a designated Garden Town, has seen significant housing growth, which is set to continue over the next ten years, and it is critical that a regenerated town centre can serve the town's residents and capitalise on the opportunities that this growth brings. Key to this commission is the need to identify key projects, the catalysts for change, and identify opportunities in this critical quarter of Aylesbury Town Centre in order to regenerate and boost the town and local economy as a whole. It is fundamental that this commission provides a detailed programme for bringing regeneration forward, set within an overall framework for the area which outlines how it will all 'knit' together . This framework will need to ensure delivery is comprehensive and co-ordinated with a particular focus on creating a clear movement framework and public realm improvement strategy. The plan needs to focus on delivery with a business case and a delivery route map.

Walton Street Offices
HP20 1UA
United Kingdom

Contract value: 119925

Published: 25 Jun 2021, Receipt by: 28 Apr 2021