Public Sector Network Tender Alert


TfL 95790 - TfL Employability Programmes MSQ

This Market Sounding Questionnaire (MSQ) is issued by Transport for London (TfL). We are seeking to obtain market feedback in relation to the delivery of TfL employability programmes. The primary focus of the MSQ is to better understand market/supplier appetite, capacity and capability, as well as perceived risks and opportunities. The MSQ also incorporates request for feedback on two new 12-week programmes TfL are seeking to introduce for those with limited or no work experience, and those returning to work after an extended period of absence Transport for London's employability programmes provide work readiness skills and opens doors to employment to some of the most disadvantaged groups in society. Individuals who fall into these groups have been disproportionately impacted by the current pandemic and now face even greater barriers to employment. The employability programmes are currently undergoing a redesign to better support those that most need it, through partnerships with charities, delivery partners and business stakeholders. The employability programmes are delivered either directly within TfL or are in partnership through our supply chain, who in turn will offer the work-place learning and pipeline job opportunities post programme, where relevant. Programmes fall into one of the below categories: - Ways into Work for those with no or limited work experience - Routes back to Work for those with significant work experience but have been out of the workplace for a period of time - Education to Work for those either still in education or due to leave education imminently To access the MSQ and submit a response please visit: For your feedback to be taken into account, your completed MSQ must be received by Monday 12 July 2021, 10:00


Janny Graves
Pier Walk
14 Pier Walk, North Greenwich
SE10 0ES
+44 87790

Contract value: 1000000-1000000

Published: 25 Jun 2021, Receipt by: 13 Jul 2021