Public Sector Network Tender Alert


PHE - Corporate - ICT - Foodswitch licence agreement via STA

Public Health England, an executive agency of the Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) (hereafter referred to as "Public Health England" or "PHE" also referred to as the "Contracting Authority" or the "Authority" or the "Employer") have awarded The George Institute for Global Health a contract for PHE's Change4Life Food Scanner app to help parents take control of their children's snacking. The George Institute for Global Health source data which are not covered by our supplier and physically go out and document the product information and send us the results. This is a vital part of the Food Scanners data to ensure we have a better experience for our users. The current software has a crowdsourcing functionality within the app, this allows users to take pictures of any products which aren't found within the database and send them through and API to get processed via their team and then sent back to PHE to surface within the app.

Public Health England of Wellington House, 133-135 Waterloo Road

Contract value: 40000

Published: 15 Apr 2021, Receipt by: 25 Mar 2021