Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Refurbishment of West Amenity Block - Ramsgate Harbour

Appointment of a suitable contractor for the upgrade of the West Amenity Block in the Royal Harbour, Ramsgate. Ramsgate Marina operates an Amenity block, on the West Crosswall, located in the Royal Harbour. This is predominately used by customers to the Marinas. The Amenity was last upgraded about 20 years ago. The structure of the building is in good condition. However the interior areas which have had a lot of use have now become tired looking. In addition we want to show our green credentials. The idea is to have water reducing toilet cisterns and urinals. Photosensitive taps and LED lighting.


Karen Paton
Thanet District Council
Cecil Street
United Kingdom
+44 1843577112

Contract value: 79950

Published: 16 Apr 2021, Receipt by: 18 Jan 2021