Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Housing and Debt Tender for Services from 1 April 2021

The Legal Aid Agency ("LAA") invited Applicants to respond to this Invitation To Tender ("ITT") for the opportunity to deliver publicly funded Housing and Debt services in the following Procurement Areas from 1 April 2021: Calderdale, City of Kingston upon Hull, Cornwall, Doncaster, East Riding of Yorkshire, Hartlepool, Leicestershire and Rutland, North Hertfordshire, Sandwell, Shropshire, Somerset, South Tyneside, Warrington & Halton, Wirral The tender was open to any interested party that were able meet the minimum tender requirements. An organisation did not need to be a current Legal Aid provider to tender for this opportunity. The deadline for submitting Tenders was 5pm on 18 February 2021. All Tenders were completed and submitted using the e-Tendering system. This notice is to confirm the contracts awarded as part of this procurement process.


Legal Aid Agency
102 Petty France

Contract value: 971440

Published: 19 Apr 2021, Receipt by: 18 Feb 2021