Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Multi-Disciplinary Consultancy Services for the Demolition of a Multi-Storey Car Park

The Council is looking to appoint a multi-disciplinary consultancy (The Consultant) to design and oversee the demolition of the existing multi-storey car park site. Although the site has been earmarked for re-development, due to the impact of Covid-19, it is likely to be a while before the site is redeveloped. Hence consideration is being given to a temporary solution which will reduce the Council's liability for the existing structures, make the site temporarily more attractive within the town centre and in the longer-term appeal to a future potential developer. Three solutions have currently been identified, which require further investigations and the development of a suitable business case:- i) Retain the existing structure until such time as the site is redeveloped; ii) Demolish part of the building, retaining the service ramp; iii) Full demolition of the building leaving an area of hard standing which would have some potential use within the town centre until the site is redeveloped in the future.


Laura Kendall
Tipping Street

Contract value: 90000

Published: 20 Apr 2021, Receipt by: 8 Mar 2021