Public Sector Network Tender Alert


FS430702 Valuing the FSA's contribution to trust in the food system

The specific objectives of this research are to understand: A.What can we infer from existing research about the value of trust generated by the FSA? How robust are preliminary valuations of the benefits of trust and how do they align with each other? Have any trust components not yet been monetised? B.How can the FSA robustly monetise the societal value of the trust it creates through food safety regulatory activities? Which data needs to be collected and which methods should be deployed to provide a robust valuation? C.What is the monetised societal value attributable to the trust created by the FSA and how does the value of trust fit into the total societal benefits created by the FSA's regulatory regime?

Foss House

Contract value: 147255

Published: 12 Apr 2021, Receipt by: 1 Mar 2021