Public Sector Network Tender Alert


WP3686 - Videography for Walsall Leather Museum - AWARD

Walsall Council is seeking a high-quality provider for digital video and audio production at Walsall Leather Museum, and training of staff in audio-video creation and editing. The Council has received confirmation of a grant from the Culture Recovery Fund for Heritage to enhance the visitor experience at Walsall Leather Museum, using video-presentation, ambient soundscapes and oral history. The grant-funded project has five elements: o The installation of video-screens, speakers and sound-domes through the Leather Museum's foyer, galleries and leather workshops. o The creation of a promotional video sequence for the foyer that will draw people in to the museum. o Creation of videos involving interviewing former leather workers to interpret and enhance the recreated leather workshops; plus use of existing oral history material and museum equipment to create soundscapes through the visitor galleries. o Devising a programme of changing themes and soundscapes, to encourage repeat visits to the museum, e.g. by reflecting changing seasons in the leather works, or linking to national events/commemorations. o Training museum staff in creating and editing video/audio to enable continuity after the project ends.


Laura Russell
Darwall Street
West Midlands
United Kingdom
01922 655487

Contract value: 12000-19000

Published: 12 Apr 2021, Receipt by: 12 Apr 2021