Public Sector Network Tender Alert


EU Affairs Monitoring Services

Ofwat (The Water Services Regulation Authority) is the economic regulator of the water and sewerage sectors in England and Wales. We are here to make sure that the companies provide household and business consumers with a good quality service and value for money.

Further details on the role of the Ofwat can be found at:

Ofwat is inviting quotations for EU Affairs Monitoring Services

The provision of this services will enable Ofwat to be kept informed of the status of and participate in the EU legislative process and will inform Ofwat’s judgment and our policy decision-making.

Core Services

a) monitor and report back on European Union affairs that affect Ofwat or the Water/Sewerage industry in England and Wales.

b) keep under review proposals for EU legislation and policy developments and identify and bring to the attention of Ofwat any developments, which may have a significant impact on the water and sewerage industry in England and Wales.

c) supply Ofwat with any relevant information on a regular and timely basis. A subject brief will be developed by Ofwat to support the supply of relevant information.

For a full description of services please refer to the specification

(MT Ref:95680)

Ref: PROC.03.0068,


Water Services Regulation Authority (Ofwat)
Centre City Tower,7 Hill Street,Procurement Team
B5 4UA
Erica Williams
+44 1216447500
+44 1216447559

Contract value:

Published: 5 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 28 Dec 2012