Public Sector Network Tender Alert


385057-2012: UK-Bridgend: software package and information systems

NHS Wales therefore has a requirement for a single provider to be appointed to provide a new Data Quality System and associated products and services. The associated products and services will predominantly be the provision of licences, maintenance, support, training and consultancy services to allow for the potential development of new modules and development consultancy for the provision of a ‘Data Quality System’ to support data quality and reporting activities of individual General Medical Practices (GP practices) in relation to national and local requirements. The system is required to include:
— A GP Practice based software utility that will extract, analyse, and present data held within the host GP clinical systems based on data queries deployed to the utility as and when required,
— A query authoring tool to enable NHS Wales (or the supplier under the instruction of NHS Wales) to author and deploy data queries to the GP Practice software utility in the form of individual queries or suites of queries contained within specific modules,
— The ability to integrate with the host GP clinical systems to enable the provision of enhanced functionality such as prompts and alerts etc.,
— A secure transfer mechanism for the export of aggregated and non aggregated practice data to various data recipients,
— Data submission management; and,
— The provision of a central data repository hosted within the NHS Wales Data Centre.

Ref: P307,


Velindre NHS Trust (as hosts of the NHS Wales Informatics Service)
10/11 Oldfield Road, Bocam Park
CF35 5LJ Bridgend
Further information can be obtained from: E Tenderwales Procurement Portal - Bravo Solution
Internet address:
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: E Tenderwales Procurement Portal - Bravo Solution
Internet address:
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: E Tenderwales Procurement Portal - Bravo Solution
Internet address:

Contract value: The initial contract period is for 3 years with options to extend up to a further 2 years in 1 year increments. The maximum term for this opportunity is 5 years. It is anticipated the contract will commence on the 1st July 2013.The scope of the procurement is to:— Provide General Medical Practices with an appropriate data quality system that can be developed/enhanced during the lifetime of the contract to meet evolving needs and demands,— Ensure that the provision of the data quality system is underpinned by an ongoing maintenance, support and training and consultancy service,— Enable modules to be deployed to support General Medical Practices in delivering, monitoring and reporting on General Medical Services (“GMS”) activities,— Enable modules to be deployed to support General Medical Practices in delivering, monitoring and reporting on national and local initiatives where applicable,— Support NHS Wales Organisations and Bodies in delivering their objectives collaboratively with General Medical Practices and providing management information as appropriate,— Deliver an appropriate agreement which will enable additional core GMS requirements to be supported by the data quality system,— Deliver an appropriate agreement which will enable the development and implementation of modules to directly support General Medical Practice data quality and reporting activities,— Deliver an appropriate agreement which will enable the development and implementation of patient level (identifiable or anonymised or pseudonymised) data extractions for external Organisations/Programmes/Projects requiring data from participating General Medical Practices e.g.O Secure Anonymised Information Linkage (SAIL) Project. National Diabetes Audit Predictive Risk Stratification Model details are available in the PQQ Instructions dodcument.Estimated value excluding VAT: Range: between 2 000 000 and 4 650 000 GBP

Published: 5 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 15 Jan 2013