Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Accessibility Website Testing

The Acas website, like all Government websites, is required to meet the W3C Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) Priority 2 Double A standards as a minimum, in order to be accessible to all potential users, regardless of disability. The Acas website and its booking system have been previously checked by and, following work to correct any problems found, also accredited by the RNIB. However, this accreditation is now due for renewal so both the website and booking system require re-testing. Additionally, we are looking to test further sub-sections of the website – our publications site and online tool, the Acas Model Workplace. We would like each section of the site to be tested, any shortcomings to be highlighted and, when found to be accessible, a recognised accreditation to be awarded. To help ensure consistency in testing and accreditation going forward, as well as to achieve best value for money, we are looking to award the contract for three years. Further information in the Specification Requirements

Ref: Comms Dec 2012,


Advisory, Conciliation and Arbitration Service
Acas Euston Tower,286 Euston Road,22nd Floor
Annie Russell
0207 210 3637

Contract value: 50000.00 - 75000.00GBP

Published: 4 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 19 Dec 2012