Public Sector Network Tender Alert


383418-2012: UK-Leicester: medical practice and related services

Greater East Midlands Commissioning Support Unit (LLR) (GEM CSU LLR), on behalf of Leicester City, East Leicestershire and Rutland and West Leicestershire CCG’s is seeking expressions of interest from suitably qualified and experienced providers for the provision of Employment Support for people with Mental Health problems.
The service will be a community based service, offering a range of employment support services for people with a mental health problem.
The Local Service model will cover:
— Enabling Service Users to formulate, achieve and sustain their vocational goals, in a supportive and empowering environment by delivering a range of evidence-based interventions, from pre-vocational, building skills and permitted work placements, to accessing paid work and job retention.
— Supporting Service Users to access mainstream training and education where relevant.
— Working with service users to increase self-efficacy, motivation and employment aspirations, and to not see their mental health condition as a barrier to work.
— Engaging with employers to:
(a) secure vocational training placements and employment opportunities for people with mental health problems and,
(b) manage employment issues, for example, increasing understanding of mental ill health, negotiating reasonable adjustments and facilitating access to occupational health.
— Involving service users and carers in the design, running and evaluation of services.
— To support the establishment and working of Peer Support group(s).
GEM CSU LLR is willing to facilitate a consortium of providers by keeping a register of interested parties (The register is to allow SME’s and other providers who can only provide part of the services to link with others with a view to providing the service as part of a consortium or other joint entity). Please indicate if you would be willing to provide services as part of a provider consortium.
To register an interest, Providers must follow the instructions below.
Providers wishing to express an interest for delivering these services can do so by logging onto the East Midlands Procurement eTendering portal, and registering by no later than 17:00 hours on Monday 21.1.2013:
To register on the portal:
— From the portal Home Page, click the ‘Click Here to Register’ link.
— Accept the terms & conditions for using the portal.
— Complete your organisation & personal details.
— Choose a memorable username and submit.
— You will shortly be sent an email with your unique password, please treat this securely (if you lose it there is a ‘Forgot my Password’ link on the portal homepage).
To Express Interest in the PQQ:
— Login with your unique username & password.
— From the suppliers reserved area click ‘PQQs Open to All Suppliers’ –this is a repository of all PQQ’s open to any registered supplier.
— Browse the PQQs (there may be more than one page) and select “Employment support for people with mental health problems – LLR (PQQ 28919)” by clicking on it.
— Note the Details buttons on the left for Navigation and the Actions below.
— Click the ‘Express Interest’ action –this will move the PQQ from the PQQs Open to All Suppliers area to your ‘My PQQs’ area – this is a reserved area for PQQs that you have either been invited to or expressed interest in.
A Bidder event will be held on 20.12.2012, times and venue to be confirmed. Potential providers who wish to attend this event should use the messaging facility on the East Midlands Procurement eTendering portal to reserve places, which are limited to two per organisation.
Documentation will be available from Tuesday 8.1.2013.
All correspondence will only be dealt with through this website.
Closing date for submission of completed PQQ’s is 17:00 hours on Monday 4.2.2013.

Ref: No reference provided,


Greater East Midlands Comissioning Support Unit - LLR
St Johns House, East Street
For the attention of: Ian Stimpson
LE1 6NB Leicester
Telephone: +44 1162954123
Internet address(es):
General address of the contracting authority:
Further information can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Specifications and additional documents (including documents for competitive dialogue and a dynamic purchasing system) can be obtained from: The above mentioned contact point(s)
Tenders or requests to participate must be sent to: The above mentioned contact point(s)

Contract value: Estimated value excluding VAT: 240 000 GBP

Published: 4 Dec 2012, Receipt by: 4 Feb 2013