Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Chilthorne Domer VC Primary School - Building of a Classroom Extension

Tenders will soon be invited for the building of a classroom extension at Chilthorne Domer VC Primary School, near Yeovil. These works are being undertaken for Somerset County Council and overseen by Southwest One. The contract value is expected to be in the region of £150,000.

Tender documentation is expected to be sent out at the end of January 2013 for return in March 2013 with the work being carried out between April and August 2013.

Expressions of interest are invited from contractors who have full accreditation to Gold Standard on the EXOR (COPROP Region) database and who are covered by EXOR for works of the above estimated value.

Contractors meeting this requirement who wish to be considered should make an application via e-mail, marked for the attention of the Register of Contractors and clearly referencing the above works and project number P12771, to the This email should also state where the project will be managed from. The deadline for such initial expressions of interest will be 12noon on Friday 14 December 2012.

Contractors expressing an interest will be asked to complete a short number of questions to assist in the creation of a tendering shortlist, although final contract selection will be based on price. The deadline for responses to these questions will be 12noon on Monday 7 January 2013.

It is anticipated that most of the tender documentation will be provided electronically for instance with drawings provided in PDF and DWG format. Therefore interested contractors must have the appropriate resources to accommodate this.

No undertaking is given that any applicant will be included on the select list or invited to tender for works.

(MT Ref:95379)

Ref: P12771,


Somerset County Council
County Hall,Please make your initial expression of interest via e-mail to,Property & FM, Southwest One
Register of Contractors
+44 1823355659

Contract value:

Published: 27 Nov 2012, Receipt by: 14 Dec 2012