Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Management Information Software Package

County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust are looking to procure a Management Information Software Package. The software package must seamlessly be able to integrate with the Trusts existing data warehouse and allow front end user interface via the Trusts Intranet. A variety of data analysis functionality must be available including dashboards, charting packages, VENN diagrams and crosstabs all configurable locally allowing for multiple criteria and reporting layers. Addition of new datasets into the reporting suite should be able to be managed locally as and when the need arises. The duration of the contract is 3 years. This contract may also be utilised by organisations aligned to County Durham Procurement Consortium. To Express your Interest in this contract, please log onto the link below and follow the instructions on CARDEA; The closure date for Expressions of Interest is by 12 Noon on Thursday 13th December 2012.

Ref: SP577,


County Durham & Darlington NHS Foundation Trust
Bede House,Belmont Business Park
Linzi Davis
County Durham

Contract value: 113056.99GBP

Published: 22 Nov 2012, Receipt by: 13 Dec 2012