Public Sector Network Tender Alert


L&D-027 Provision of Data Entry Services of WRAP Training Feedback Forms

WRAP (Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent) is the primary Prevent Training tool for front line/Public Sector staff used across the UK. It has been delivered to approximately 15,000 front line public sector workers since it was launched in 2009 and is a deliverable in the Prevent strategy. Every session requires delegates to fill out a feedback form and this is then held here in OSCT Prevent. We now require a data entry company to receive the feedback forms, process them (including any scanning/data entry/corrections and send us the raw data which will be analysed by the Prevent Knowledge Team. This data is used to develop the product and assess how much training is being done in Prevent priority areas and sectors. The feedback form is 1 side of A4, containing a mixture of tick boxes and text input. The successful company should accept 1 consignment of feedback forms per month, every month. The information within the forms should be captured and relayed back to OSCT Prevent in an Excel Spreadsheet (format to be supplied by OSCT Prevent) in a timely manner and no longer than 2 weeks after receiving the forms from OSCT Prevent. The company should carry out ad-hoc quality assurance work to confirm that the forms are being inputted accurately.

Ref: L&D-027,


PCoE - Procurement Centre of Excellence
Room 2Y92 Concept House,Cardiff Road
NP10 8QQ
Matthew Carr

Contract value: 5000.00GBP

Published: 21 Nov 2012, Receipt by: 23 Nov 2012