Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Levelised Cost of Electricity Generation – 2013 Update of Non-Renewable Technologies

DECC is looking to award a contract to undertake an up-to-date and consistent set of assumptions on the costs of different non-renewable electricity generation technologies. These assumptions will feed in to DECC analysis and will also update DECC’s levelised generation cost model to provide new estimates on the cost of electricity generation, which will be published by the Department. The most recent update to DECC’s assumptions on the generation costs for non-renewable technologies was published in November 2012 and is available at The chosen supplier will be asked to review any evidence of robust and significant changes in overall generation costs since the data was collected for the non-renewable technologies covered in the 2012 report. In the case of robust and significant changes the supplier is expected to deliver current cost estimates for non-renewable projects, providing the reasons and justifications for changes. The tender is for a single update to the assumptions.

Ref: TRN 517/11/2012 ,


Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC)
3rd floor ,3, Whitehall Place
Laura Hurley
0300 068 6919
United Kingdom

Contract value: 10000.00 - 45000.00GBP

Published: 19 Nov 2012, Receipt by: 3 Dec 2012