Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Active People Survey Online Web Tool

Sport England’s Research and Strategy team prepares and manages a number of tools which make data and insight available to stakeholders. These range from the recently refreshed market segmentation tool which is popular and widely used, to the more sophisticated Active People diagnostic tool which is complex to update, maintain and use. Sport England is working to prioritise and improve the data it makes available and how it is presented to ensure it best meets stakeholder needs and reflects the 2012-17 strategy. Initial feedback from stakeholder consultation has identified the redesign of the Active People diagnostic as a key priority and there is a need for a simple to use online web tool which is quick and easy to update.

Ref: SE492,


Sport England
Laura Graham

Contract value: 50000.00 - 75000.00GBP

Published: 14 Nov 2012, Receipt by: 7 Dec 2012