Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Somerset Skills and Learning MSP Contract

Somerset Skills and Learning (the Potential PSM) is a traded unit of Somerset County Council (CC) and under contract with the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) to deliver 16-18 and adult learning and skills. Approximately 300 staff, 160 full-time employees, currently deliver various non-statutory services. A project to externalise the organisation via a sub-contract was started in 2011, and in June 2012 the Senior Leadership team of the CC requested that a further review was undertaken with a view to outsourcing or sub-contracting out the services. External assistance is therefore required to explore the potential for the creation of a Social Enterprise, potentially as part of a wider joint venture between Somerset Skills and Learning and other public services that may be looking to move out of the CC. The Potential PSM has met previously with an external consultancy firm to identify the different forms the Social Enterprise could take, but still needs to evaluate the different operational models available, and agree on the best model going forward. The Potential PSM has begun consultation with middle management and formed a staff representative group. The Potential PSM would like to explore the option of operating as a Teckal Company, which would receive a service concession from the CC to deliver on its behalf. External assistance is required for the creation of a robust business plan to explore this option, and to present to the CC.

Ref: RM1146-SB,


Government Procurement Service
9th Floor,The Capital,Old Hall Street
L3 9PP
Spot Buy Team
0345 0103503

Contract value: 1.00 - 50000.00GBP

Published: 16 Nov 2012, Receipt by: 3 Dec 2012