Public Sector Network Tender Alert



THIS IS A CLOSED OPPORTUNITY PROCURED VIA FRAMEWORK AGREEMENT. THIS NOTICE IS BEING PUBLISHED FOR TRANSPARENCY REASONS ONLY. DH will complete further analytical work between now and the Spending Review. The analytical work will need to estimate the cost to public funds of potential reforms to the funding system and how the additional public expenditure will be distributed between income groups. It is important that the estimates should be reliable and allow comparison between different reform options, while recognising that there will always be some uncertainties. Professional services are needed to conduct a review of the DH social care funding model – in particular to: • advise on the extent to which the model produces estimates for the cost to public funds of potential reforms to the funding system that are reliable. If not assessed as such, advise on the immediate rectifications required to achieve this. • identify those areas where there is significant uncertainty around assumptions, and where this uncertainty has a significant effect on the model outputs, suggest how these uncertainties should be addressed. • suggest broader improvements to the model which would have a significant effect on the robustness of the outputs - recognising that improvements useful to DH would need to be implemented within approximately 6 months. The output will be a report for the SCLGCP director general and other key DH stakeholders including the head of the analytical unit, addressing the above points and making recommendations for further work, and a more detailed technical report for the analytical unit. We would expect the reviewer to set up a dialogue with DH analysts to ensure timely access to and understanding of the computer-based model itself, model documentation, and model outputs, as appropriate. The reviewer will be expected to acknowledge DH’s ownership of the model, and must not act in any way that might infringe DH’s intellectual property rights. Phase II: Optional revisit We give notice that, dependent on the outcome of the original review, DH could want to ask the original reviewer to revisit an updated model to provide a further judgement on the extent to which the updated model is fit for purpose and the robustness of the results it produces. This work may be requested within approximately 6 months of the original review.

Ref: DH_58640,



Contract value: 1.00 - 15000.00GBP

Published: 7 Nov 2012, Receipt by: 7 May 2013