Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Invitation to Tender for Provision of Statutory Inspections

CRI is a registered charity and provides services from approximately 250 premises across England & Wales, with head office in Brighton and regional offices in London, Leeds and Cardiff.

CRI is looking to identify a regional supplier(s) to provide Statutory Inspections in support of North & Midlands Region in respect of the following lots:-

Lot 1) Portable Appliance Testing

Lot 2) PIR Inspections

Lot 3) Gas Safe & Calorifier Testing

Lot 4) Asbestos Management (Surveys & Reports)

Lot 5) Water Systems Management

(MT Ref:94844)


CRI (Crime Reduction Initiatives)
Duncan House,14 Duncan Street,Procurement
Rachel Lunn
+44 1133804644

Contract value:

Published: 6 Nov 2012, Receipt by: 14 Dec 2012