Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Local HealthWatch

In accordance with The Health and Social Care Act 2012, West Berkshire Council is seeking an organisation to provide Local Healthwatch from 1st April 2013. Healthwatch will exist in two distinct forms – local Healthwatch, at local level, and Healthwatch England, at a national level. Local Healthwatch will be the local consumer voice for health and social care. It should benefit patients, users of services, carers and the public by helping people to get the best out of services, improving outcomes, and helping services to be more responsive to what people want and need. The aim is to give people and communities in West Berkshire a stronger voice to influence and challenge how health and social care services are provided.

The Health and Social Care Act states that the body contracted to be the Local Healthwatch must prior to or following contract award be a ‘body corporate’ (i.e. a legal entity), which is a social enterprise.

(WB Ref:10046)

Ref: P364,


West Berkshire Council
Council Offices,Market Street,Legal Services
RG14 5LD
Contracts & Procurement Officer
+44 1635519415
+44 1635519341

Contract value:

Published: 31 Oct 2012, Receipt by: 30 Nov 2012