Using proprietary, open and regulatory data, combined with a little software and a dash of knowledge. A new way of delivering Insights, Intelligence and Engagement of UK Public Services.


Furthering choice, collaboration and knowledge for the public and all working with and within UK Public Services

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The PSN #Premium package is for Business Development, Sales and Marketing teams at larger Public Sector Suppliers, Partners and Contractors.

Providing a single environment aimed at addressing the following challenges and requirements:

  • Searching and viewing a current list of every UK Public Body
  • Searching for organisations by consistent and detailed geo and demographic requirements
  • Exploring the parent, child and sibling linkage between organisations
  • Identifying,analysing and being alerted to tender requests and contract awards for your sector
  • Finding the internal structures and latest key political and management decision makers
  • Gaining additional digital exposure to the right audience
  • Recording and accessing key notes and interactions from across the team

Ultimately enabling users to access their complete addressable Public Sector market in one place. If this sounds like the platform for you, or you and your team would like to take it out for a spin, just get in touch.

The #Premium package includes full acess to everything on PSN. It's likely easiest to see than explain, but a bullet point list of the key features are as follows:

Product Features


Dedicated Account Manager

Market Value and Size

Buyer and Contract Analysis

Next 50 Expiring Contracts

Tailored Daily and Weekly Feeds

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More detail

Based on your business we configure a daily feed of relevant tender invitations sent directly to your inbox. We also provide a weekly summary of awards value, volume and change across Public Services by email.

The analysis included in your report includes:

The overall value and size of the market available from Public Sector Contracts, annually and over the past 5 years. This includes the number of awards, buyers and value.


A list of your top 20 competitors - how many contracts they’ve won and how much they were worth.


A detailed analysis of the Buyers across that market - their types, locations and volume.

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A downloadable list of the next 50 contracts expiring in your market - with current providers, values and expiry dates.


Related to the Supplier #MarketIntel package we have a few other things aimed at increasing your Public Sector market awareness and engagement......

#digital package

Publish a Case Studies and Product Article on PSN and e-Newsletter Adverts in our monthly newsletter sent to over 100,000 public sector decision makers.

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#deepdive package

Get under the skin of your own data and discover the complete potential market across all areas of the UK Public Sector

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Complete access to our new PSN platform - the ultimate Public Sector sales, intelligence and engagement tool

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