Technical Structure of Organisational Data

Oscar data can be supplied in formats suitable for all known databases/spreadsheets, including Excel, and MYSQL variants; it is available either by direct feed or to download through the website.

Additional delivery methods are available, including XML, JSON and API development. Please contact us to discuss further.

The following technical breakdown of the Oscar Organisational database gives details of all fields of data available (the database specific fields (eg Care Homes) are only supplied where a file contains that data).


Field name Description
OrgURN Unique Number for each organisation
Org Name of Organisation
MainSite Indicates if the person is located at the HQ/Main Site for the Organisation
Add1 Address line 1
Add2 Address line 2
Add3 Address line 3
Add4 Address line 4
Town Postal Town
County Postal County
Region Economic Planning Region - eg London / South East / Eastern
Postcode Area The Postcode Area - eg 'KT'
Postcode District The Postcode District - eg 'KT2'
MainPhone The main telephone/switchboard number for the organisation
MainEmail The main e-mail address for the organisation
DataTypes General area of the Government - Local/Regional/Central Government/NHS etc
OrgTypes Specific type of Organisation - eg NHS Trust / Local Authority
Org Type 2 Used for Further Categorisation of Organisation Types - eg Acute Trust / Metropolitan Council 
NumEmployees Number of Employees employed across the organisation
AnnualSpend The spend of the organisation, shown in millions.
OrgNotes Useful information we find about the organisation - forthcoming changes/mergers etc
WebsiteURL Website Address for the Organisation
ParentOrg Direct Parent Organisation
Care Homes Only - CarehomeCapacity Number of Possible Residents for each Care Home
Care Homes Only - CarehomeHomeTypes Shows the types of Care provided
Central Government Only - CGFunctions Shows the organisational functions of a Central Government organisation.
Dentists Only - NumOfDentists The number of Dentists within the Practice
Dentists Only - DentalGroup Where applicable the name of the Dental Group
FE/HE Only - FEStudentPop Number of Studends for each College/University. Shown in Bandings
Housing Assoc Only - HousingAssocGroupStruc Shows if a Housing Association is a Parent or Subsidiary Organisation.
Housing Assoc Only - HousingAssocGroupName Where applicable the name of the Housing Association Group
Housing Assoc Only - HousingAssocDevStatus Shows whether the Housing Association is currently building new houses/units.
Housing Assoc Only - HousingAssocStock Shows the number of Units/Houses Owned or Managed by the Organisation.
Housing Assoc Only - HousingAssocTenantGroups Shows the type of Tenants for the Organisation.
Housing Assoc Only - HousingAssocAccomTypes Shows the type of Housing provided by the Organisation.
Local Government Only - LGPopServed The Population covered by the Organisation - shows in bandings.
Local Government Only - LGCouncilControl Shows the Controlling Political Party for each Local Authority
Local Government Only - LGChangeOfControl Shows the last time the Political Control chaanged for each Local Authority
Local Government Only - LGNextElection Shows the next time a Local Authority is due for Elections.
Local Government Only - LGLACode Shows the official Code for each Local Authority
Local Government Only - LGNumSeats Shows the number of Political/Councillor Seats within each Local Authority
Local Government Only - LGWardName The name of the Ward represented by a Councillor
NHS Only - NHSPopCovered The Population covered by the Organisation - shows in bandings.
NHS Only - NHSNumGP The number of GPs within a Practice
NHS Only - NHSGPPracticeCode The Official Code for the Practice
Parish Councils Only - ParishPopCovered The Population covered by the Organisation - shown in bandings
Schools Only - SchoolNumber The former official number for the School. Make up from LA ID and School ID. The DfE School URN is available as an optional field
Schools Only - SchoolScope The Areas of Education covered by the School
Schools Only - SchoolPopulation The Number of Pupils - shows in bandings
Schools Only - SchoolGender Shows if the School is Boys, Girls or Mixed
Schools Only - SchoolChanges Shows where there is a change of HeadTeacher coming
Schools Only - SchoolSpecialisations Shows what types of Specialist Education are provided
Schools Only - SchoolAttributes Shows extra services or facilities provided by the School - including Boarding, Nurseries and Learning Difficulties
Schools Only - SchoolDenominations Shows the Religious Affiliations of Church and other Schools
Schools Only - SchoolAgeranges The Ages covered by the School - shown in bandings


Optional Fields

The following fields can be added to data subscriptions but are not included in standard feeds and downloads. Other bespoke fields can be created to suit individual users requirements. Please contact your account manager for further information


Field name Description
C/TPS Main Records a value of LISTED against the main/switchboard telephone numbers where they are listed on either the Telephone or Corporate Telephone Preference Service
LegalStatus Banded values showing the official legal status of each organisation. Values include: Public Bodies, Companies and Charities
NumChildOrgs Shows as a numerical value the number of linked Child Organisations
NumberofEmployees(Modelled) Modelled employee banding values based on an algorithm from all other organisational size metrics to create a universal single value field
ActualSpend Numerical Value showing total spend for the organisation. Data provided through a combination of direct research and modelling for smaller entities
TwitterURL Twitter address for the organisation
FacebookURL Facebook address for the organisation
LinkedInURL Linked-in address for the organisation
Geo - District The name of the Council who's administrative area covers the location of the site or organisation
Geo - DistrictCode The official District Code for the Council who's administrative area covers the location of the site or organisation
Geo - Ward The name of the Political Ward that covers the location of the site or organisation
Geo - WardCode The official code of the Political Ward that covers the location of the site or organisation
Geo - Constituency The name of the Westminster Constituency that covers the location of the site or organisation
Geo - Constituency_Code The official code of the Westminster Constituency that covers the location of the site or organisation
Geo - ICB Official Code for the Integrated Care Board that covers the location of the site or organisation
Geo - ICBName Name of the Integrated Care Board that covers the location of the site or organisation
Geo - latitude 8 Digit Numerical Value
Geo - longitude 8 Digit Numerical Value
Geo - Easting 6 Digit Numerical Value
Geo - Northing 6 Digit Numerical Value
Schools - urn The offical DfE Unique Record Number for each School
Schools - admissionpolicy Showing if the School has a selective admissions policy
Schools - schoolcapacity The total number of Pupils the School can accomodate
Schools - numberofpupils The number of current pupils
Schools - numberofboys The number of male pupils
Schools - numberofgirls The number of female pupils
Schools - percentfsm Percentage value for the number of pupils entitled to Free School Meals
Schools - sponsorname The name of the Sponsor where a School is linked to one
Schools - federationname The name of the Federation where a School is part of one
Schools - lastofsteddate The date of the last OFSTED inspection
Schools - ofstedrating The overall rating following the most recent OFSTED inspection
Multi Academy Trusts - TotalSchoolsCount Shows the total number of Schools and Colleges that are part of the Trust
Multi Academy Trusts - PrimarySchoolCount Shows the total number of Primary Schools that are part of the Trust
Multi Academy Trusts - SecondarySchoolCount Shows the total number of Secondary Schools that are part of the Trust
Multi Academy Trusts - SpecialSchoolCount Shows the total number of Special Schools that are part of the Trust
Multi Academy Trusts - CollegeCount Shows the total number of Colleges that are part of the Trust
FE/HE - Ofsted The overall rating where published for Colleges and Universities
FE/HE - Academic Staff The number of Academic Staff at the institution
Care Homes - Beds The total number of beds within the Home
Care Homes - CQC Rating The CQC rating description across multiple categories for the home
Care Home Groups - Number of Homes Count of the number of homes that are part of the group
Care Home Groups - Specialisms A series of fields providing a count of homes by specialism across all the group homes
Local Government - Housing Stock Shows the number of Units/Houses Owned or Managed by the Organisation
NHS - Number of Patients Records the number of patients for each GP Practice.
Dentists - Type of Practice Service Shows if the Practice deals with Private, NHS or both patient types