Public Sector Network Tender Alert


Invitation to recruit and facilitate focus groups to inform the development of NICE guidance on Social, emotional and mental wellbeing in primary and secondary education

The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) has been asked by the Department of Health and Social Care in England to update public health guidance on Social and emotion wellbeing in primary and secondary education (PH12 & PH20) The guidance covers how educational and other professionals can provide a supportive environment, universal education and targeted interventions to promote good social and emotional wellbeing in children and young people in primary and secondary education. Both guidelines aim to help children and young people reach their full potential and maximise their opportunities. Proposals are invited to conduct focus group work using methods that ensure government mandated social distancing are observed such as using virtual meetings. The aim of the focus group work is to discuss both the identified evidence and the committees interpretation of it with children and young people in primary and secondary education, including 'seldom heard' children and young people, so that their perspectives can be incorporated into the work of the PHAC.


Irene Walker
Level 1 City Tower
Piccadilly Plaza
M1 4BT
0161 870 3198

Contract value: 20500

Published: 24 Jul 2020, Receipt by: 14 Aug 2020